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Mary's Tavern

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Medieval Monday | Words and Phrases

Welcome to Medieval Monday in Mary's Tavern! I'm back after spending a week playing and relaxing with my husband. We didn't go far in our travels, but it's amazing what historical places of interest you can visit in your own neighborhood and state. A few places of interest (besides the multiple wineries) were the California Railroad Museum and Sacramento Historic City Cemetery. We were favored with cool and partially cloudy days--excellent for exploring and working off the extra calories. I must confess we consumed a lot of ice cream during the week. Whew! Glad it's all gone.

Now on to Medieval Monday...

I've decided to dedicate the first Monday of each month to a medieval word or phrase. If you've read my books, you'll notice I sprinkle my stories with a few choice words:

amiss: in a mistaken way

forsake: to renounce or turn away from entirely

forsooth: In truth, indeed

forsworn: guilty of perjury

sennight: the space of 7 nights and days/week

swinish: swine, beastly, rude

This month's word is: Alegar

Don't forget to check out these wonderful posts from the other Ladies of Medieval Monday!

Until next Monday, spread the love and share the medieval knowledge! xo


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