
Mary Morgan
May 7, 2018
#Medieval Monday Winner!
Many thanks to everyone who followed along with our theme of "Author's Choice" on Medieval Monday. I truly enjoyed hosting all the...

Mary Morgan
Apr 28, 2018
Winner ~ Urquhart Castle and Home of the Dragon Knights Post
Thank you all for your wonderful, touching comments. I truly enjoyed reading them. It's always a difficult decision choosing one winner,...
Mary Morgan
Feb 23, 2018
Did you hear my shout of joy the other day? QUEST OF A WARRIOR won 1ST Place in the Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer's Choice Awards in...

Mary Morgan
Dec 8, 2017
#NewRelease ORDER OF THE DRAGON KNIGHTS Boxed Digital Collection #TimeTravel #ParanormalRomance
The Tavern is busy! I'm thrilled to announce that my series, Order of the Dragon Knights is now available as a digital boxed collection....