
Mary Morgan
Jan 20, 2020
Medieval Monday | THE PIRATE'S REDEMPTION by Ruth A. Casie
Welcome to Medieval Monday! We have only two more weeks left of our theme of "Celebrations." I hope you've been following along. My guest...

Mary Morgan
Dec 23, 2019
Medieval Monday | CAMERON by Lane McFarland
Welcome back to Medieval Monday! It's the week of Christmas, and we're on week six of our theme of "Celebrations." My good friend, Lane...

Mary Morgan
Nov 25, 2019
Medieval Monday | THE HIGHLANDER’S CRUSADER BRIDE by Cathy and DD MacRae
Welcome to the second week of our Medieval Monday blog hop and our new theme of "Celebrations." My guest today is the lovely Cathy and DD...

Mary Morgan
Nov 18, 2019
Medieval Monday Returns | TO WEAVE A HIGHLAND TAPESTRY
Welcome back to Medieval Monday and a brand new theme! Since we're fast heading into the holidays, our theme for the next 11 weeks is...