Spotlight #NewRelease: HUNTED BY ANGELS by R.A. Boyd
Please give a warm welcome to a sister Rose (The Wild Rose Press, Inc.), R.A. Boyd! We're featuring her new (hot) release, Hunted by Angels, Line of Lilith, Book 1. The Tavern is serving champagne and spicy Jalapeño Poppers. Grab a comfy chair and let's meet R.A....

MM: Welcome to the Tavern, R.A.! I'm thrilled you could join us today. Congratulations on your new book release. Describe a typical writing day. Are you a morning, afternoon, or night-owl writer?
RAB: I’m a night-owl writer. Around ten in the evening, once I get my daughter into bed and straighten up the house, I start writing. This goes on until two or three in the morning. I don’t sleep. I take a series of naps until we all sleep late on Saturday!
MM: Amazing! I'm always in awe of night writers. I turn into a pumpkin by 6:00pm. Can you tell us about your current work-in-progress?
RAB: Aside from editing the second novel in the Line of Lilith series, I am actively writing the third novel. It’s about a book with an attitude. She is not happy that she now has two feet and taste buds.
MM: Ooo...a teaser! I'm intrigued! What inspires you when you’re writing?
RAB: The feeling of writing inspires me. I feel free and open when I write. Ideas can come from anywhere: a picture, a line in a song, a random thought. They are everywhere.
MM: Beautiful. What’s your favorite item on your writing desk?
RAB: Other than my computer? Just kidding. My Doctor Who Tardis book is my favorite item. I carry it with me all the time, use it while I’m writing, and jot down all of my notes in it. Even ideas that don’t have a story to be included in are written in that book. It’s my precious…
MM: I'm a huge Dr. Who fan, R.A.! Should we start a debate on who played the best doctor? ;) Now for some fun questions. Do you prefer...
Champagne or Beer? Love Beer!
Southern drawl or Scottish burr? Scottish burr all the way.
Kilt or Leather pants? Leather pants, please.
First romance you read? The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause. I read it back in high school and fell in love with vampires.
Print book or e-reader? E-reader. There’s nothing like the smell of a print book, but I can’t carry thirty of them in my Doctor Who book bag.
Wishing you all the best, R.A. with Hunted by Angels!
Blurb for Hunted by Angels:
Two sex demons walk into a church and get married in the sight of God, surrounded by their friends and family. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke? Not so much.
All Perrian “Perry” Haines wants is to marry the man of her dreams—more like nightmares—and be left alone, but when Samael, a psychotic archangel, is out to murder her and all her kind, it puts a damper on her not so happily ever after. Submitting to Samael almost seems safer than her new husband, the seductive sex-demon O’Neil Haines, whose secrets hold the key to her survival and her humanity.
Instant snark-filled sparks fly as Perry and Haines discover the origins of her birth and the real reason Samael wants to end her destiny. What a way to start a honeymoon!
“Haines, please, help me.” The tears that roll down my face sting my cheeks and chin. Everything hurts. It’s as if my clothes should singe away from embers that should be oozing out of my pores.
“Perrian, I don’t know what to do.”
The ripping sensation intensifies until it feels like the top of my body will separate itself from the bottom; like my right side will tear away from the left. Like my insides are boiling. I close my eyes and wait.
Wait for it to stop. Wait to die.
Something seizes my body and yanks me upward. And the pain stops.
I don’t feel anything. It’s quiet. Only the sound of my breathing echoes in my head. Am I dead?
Haines’ voice is soft. “Perrian? Baby, open your eyes.” Though his voice sounds strong and grounded, a wavering tremble breaks though, and I can tell he’s afraid for me.
My limbs are flat against a hard surface, but the pain is gone. I open my eyes and see Haines looking up at me.
And I’m looking down at him. Because I’m on the ceiling. Looking down at him.

More about the author:
R. A. Boyd is a writer and reader of paranormal romance, horror, and urban fantasy. She lives in Maryland with her husband, daughter, and her massive collection of books.
She loves all things paranormal but dabbles in romantic comedies and hockey fights. When she’s not writing at three in the morning she’s binge-watching Netflix or plotting random scenes from her novels in the voice of her characters. It makes her daughter giggle but worries her husband.
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