Spotlight #CoverReveal ~ CRIMSON by Tamela Miles
Covers are always a favorite of mine. It's the first image that captures my attention. I'm thrilled to host my Rose sister (The Wild Rose Press), Tamela Miles and feature her new cover for her upcoming release, Crimson!

Here's a sneak peek at an excerpt from CRIMSON ~
Meet Ash Lockler and Delilah McDade!
“Ash Lockler?” she said, looking up at him. She looked away from his intense gaze for a moment. Clearing her throat, she met his eyes again. Ash nodded and neatly folded his big frame into the booth, opposite her. He maintained his poker face as he rested his forearms on the table, hands folded. He held her gaze for a moment before he spoke quietly. “I trust you will provide what I expect.” He surveyed her pretty face framed by all that long, wildly curly, dark hair. She would do nicely.
Her lips parted to speak, but she hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. He found her actions amusing, assuming this was her first time in dealing with someone like him. The underworld of vampires and other nocturnal beings was definitely not for this little, gentle mouse. She was beautiful but too timid and nervous for his taste. He caught her staring before she lowered her gaze and reached for her small knit bag.
“Yes. I have it right here. Five thousand cash. You can count it. That should settle my brother’s debt to you.”
Ash’s eyes narrowed in irritation. Declan McDade. The little weasel. Unfortunately for his family, he had grown up to be exactly like his father, Martin. They both shared an unhealthy fascination with underworld dealings. His next words were measured. “I’m afraid that five thousand doesn’t even come close to what your brother owes me. His debt is a lot closer to one hundred thousand.”
Her lips went slack, and she promptly snapped her mouth shut. Ash went on. “Your money, in short, is no good. A different sort of payment was arranged between myself and Declan.”
“What do you want, then? My house?” Delilah’s voice was strangely hoarse, and she took a hasty sip of water.
“No, your house is safe. I want your body on a long- term basis. Anywhere from six months to one year would work,” Ash replied simply.

And meet Ash Lockler! Oh, my! Look for Tamela's upcoming release on preorder soon!
You can stay updated at her website here: