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Writer's pictureMary Morgan

Friday Feast | Cookies and Edits

Welcome to Friday Feast in the Tavern! It's been a crazy, hectic couple weeks around here. I'm deep in the writing cave working on edits for Wishes Under a Highland Star, so there's a twist to this week's recipe. I've had zero time to really cook, bake, or have any desire to prepare anything from scratch in my kitchen. Working on edits for a story is exhausting--in a good way. Fun, exciting, but definitely draining.

Earlier this week, my knight reminded me there were no more cookies in the cookie jar. Here's our lively discussion...

I gasped in horror. "What?! No ginger snaps with my afternoon tea?"

He laughed. "You ate the last one."

"What about the lemon cookies I got for free a couple months ago?"

"Gone in March."

I open the door to the pantry. My gaze scans everywhere. "What happened to the graham crackers?"

My knight shrugs. "I think we finished those when we had S'mores over the holidays."

"And the cookies we got for a gift on our anniversary?"

"I believe we devoured them over the weekend." My knight turns to leave the kitchen. "And I'm not going out to the store. We can wait until the weekend."

I glare at the pantry, determined to find a hidden stash. A smile forms on my mouth as I start to pull food items from the shelves.

"Yes!" Victory has been achieved! I reach for a canister of Pumpkin Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal Cookie mix.

Now, you might think this conversation is silly, especially over a simple cookie. But my dear readers, cookies are a staple in the Morgan house, and this cookie mix took only 45 minutes of my time on an early morning.

Are you a fan of cookie mixes? Or do you prefer to bake from scratch? Do share!

Mary Morgan.jpg


Award-winning Celtic paranormal and fantasy romance author.



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