Friday Feast | Recipe Cards and Beltane

Welcome to Beltane Eve and Friday Feast! I can't believe May is right around the corner! Can you? Sunshine, (well, in some places of the world), new life, laughter, and dancing. The night before is called Beltane Eve (which is tonight) in the Celtic world. It is said that on this night the faeries ride out into the world from their deep dwellings within the land. A magical time filled with great joy. May Day or Beltane also marks the beginning of summer, as well. Celebrations are held outdoors and no work is to be done.
My celebrations are simple ~ To enjoy our wonderful sunshine in my garden and organize (for the umpteenth time) my recipe card collection. This particular set of cards are verra old, and the box even older. How old? Approximately 45 years. Many are ones I wrote down as a young adult. Yet I spy one that my mom wrote. It's a recipe she would make for my dad: Fried Green Tomatoes.
Most of these well-loved recipes are so faded I've had to write over them several times. This cherished (and most requested) holiday recipe below is a family favorite. I have no plans on transferring the recipe to a new card. There are memories splattered on this tiny card. How could I part with it?
Besides, I look at the sprawling cursive and marvel at the young woman who was only beginning on her life of adventures. She had no idea what awaited her.
And then I smile...The penmanship has changed and the girl much older, but the joy of pulling out a simple recipe card transforms me back to an era of simplicity. Where baking and cooking helped to stir the well of creativity. Though I must be careful. I recall an incident while beating a cake batter. While lost in my world of stories, I stuck a wooden spoon into the beaters. Not a pretty picture.
Happy Beltane! Psst, don't forget to leave out some milk and bread for the faeries.
“Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale.” –Hans Christian Andersen