Friday Feast | Smashing Kitchen Tools
Welcome to a new year of Friday Feast in Mary's Tavern! If you've been following along for the past few years, you'll recall my love affair with certain kitchen tools. For those new to the Tavern, my favorite is my shiny red Kitchen Aid Mixer. I've had it for decades! Another fav is my milk frother. It's wonderful for whipping up those lattes I enjoy each morning.
Today, I'm sharing my collection of mortars and pestles. They've graced my kitchen counters for almost twenty years. The marble one was my first. They are fabulous when crushing herbs from my garden, whole spices, nuts, and making pesto. Smashing anything in a mortar can be satisfying, especially if I've had a stressful day (haha). I've also been known to use a wooden mallet to crush certain spices (and meat) between sheets of parchment. But that's for another post.

This adorable tiny mortar and pestle came as a gift with a cookbook. Yes, I'm obsessed with anything to do with the Outlander series!

It's amazing how this tool has been around since the Stone Age. It's a smashing success in the Morgan family! If you have a mortar and pestle, share a recipe you've created. I'd love to know!
Here are the links to previous posts on Kitchen Tools:
Click HERE for My Favorite Kitchen Tool.
Click HERE for Another Kitchen Tool to Love.
Sláinte mhath!