Long and Short Reviews Weekly Blog Challenge | 05.20.20

Again, my apologies for missing last week's blog challenge. Let's just say it was a challenging week for me.
Now this week's topic had me laughing: How I'd fare in a zombie apocalypse. Ahem! Me in a zombie apocalypse? Not going to happen unless I have certain people and weapons at my side.
Number one super hero I want there to protect and shield me...THOR! He was the first person I thought of when I looked at this week's topic. Why? I think it has to do with my current work-in-progress I'm writing--Vikings and Norse mythology! He could definitely aid me in taking out some zombies.

Then I thought of my children, especially my daughters. Between the pair, they've watched enough zombie movies and shows to know the secrets in killing these creatures. Don't let those smiles fool you. Each can wield a mighty fist if they had to confront a zombie. See how they have me in the middle? It's for protection. ;)

Now since my son is in law enforcement, I won't be showing off his handsome face. Yet he's strong, is a workout demon, and might have a weapon or two to defend me.
And lastly, I do have my own collection of swords, and a large axe. I'm a survivor. I might come out bruised and bloody, but I'll live.
Do you think you'd survive a zombie apocalypse? I'd love to hear your thoughts. And when you're finished, hop on over here to read what the others are saying.
See you next week! Be safe out there! xo