Long and Short Reviews Weekly Blog Challenge | 07.08.20

This week's topic (hosted by the lovely people at Long and Short Reviews) is one I didn't have to think twice: A project or hobby of mine inspired by a book.

My herb gardens were inspired by this wonderful book and series, Brother Cadfael's Herb Garden. I don't call my garden a hobby. Nae. 'Tis a passion.
This lovely tome is over twenty years old, and it's a treasure. As a lover (and writer) of medieval stories, I fell in love with the detailed list of plants and herbs derived from the Chronicles of Brother Cadfael, a gardener and herbalist who lived in an abbey in Shrewsbury, England. Not only did he tend to the gardens at the abbey, but Cadfael was also involved in solving the crimes within the series. I like to think of him as a medieval detective.
Yet it was this book with its herbal lore that led me on a passion for growing, cultivating, and using herbs for cooking and in healing tinctures. I'm always learning something new with herbs, as well.
In addition, I highly recommend the book series by Ellis Peters (Edith Pargeter). Check out her amazon author page here.
Do you have any hobby or projects inspired by a book? Do share! Then wander on over here to see what the others are saying.
See you next week!