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Mary's Tavern

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Long and Short Reviews Weekly Blog Challenge | 9.02.20

Yay! Happy first Wednesday of September! I'm delighted to be back on Wednesdays for the Long and Short Weekly Blog Challenge. I'm sorry, but having a new book release into the world takes all my concentration and energy. Besides, who knew I could post more than one blog post on the same day? Definitely not me.

Today's topic: Topics that make me stop reading a book.

There are a few...

1. Killing off your main protagonist(s). If an author does this, I'm gone. Trust me, it happens.

2. Cliffhanger endings and I have to wait years for the next book. Currently, I can only think of one author I've tolerated this kind of writing style. She's sucked me into her world, and I'm with her for the duration.

3. Brutal rape scenes. Yes, they do happen in our real world, but I won't tolerate them in a book. I read to escape and don't need more angst in my life.

4. When most of the story is in the POV (point of view) of a sadistic character. Again, I read for pleasure and this isn't my cuppa.

Now hop on over here and see what the others are saying!


And here's my new release! Feel free to check it out on my book page HERE!

See you next week! Be safe and well! xo


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