Medieval Monday | A Storm Brews in MAGNAR
Welcome to week five of Medieval Monday and our ongoing theme of nature. I hope you've been enjoying these snippets from Magnar. Don't forget to hop on over to the Medieval Romance Lovers facebook page here! There you can find other links to medieval authors and giveaways!
If you missed any of my previous snippets, take a peek here:
Week 1 here.
Week 2 here.
Week 3 here.
Week 4 here.
Snippet from Magnar
Scene set-up: Magnar and Elspeth are in the forest discussing where their enemy and his men have fled. They deem there is still a threat. During their conversation, Elspeth realizes how much her counsel matters to her husband. It's one of my favorite scenes, too.
Determined to match his stubbornness with her own, she lifted her chin and fisted her hands on her hips. “If I am to speak my heart, you must give me a reason.”
Lifting his head to the sky, he muttered words Elspeth did not understand.
“’Tis important,” she urged in a gentler tone.
Thunder rolled in the distance, causing Elspeth to flinch. Rain would soon follow. The conversation with her husband made her head ache. Dropping her hands, she turned to leave.

Known as the Barbarian, Magnar MacAlpin is a fierce ruler for those under his command. As leader of the Wolves of Clan Sutherland, his loyalty and obedience lies with Scotland. However, the king’s last demand is not something Magnar will tolerate.
After Elspeth Gunn’s brother the Chieftain of Castle Steinn is murdered, she flees with her nephew, and finds safety amongst a band of men who are rumored to be part wolf. When the king forces her to wed a heathen Northman, she fears losing her heart and soul not only to the man, but the beast as well.
In order to restore peace to a shattered clan, Magnar and Elspeth travel a treacherous path that challenges their beliefs. When evil seeks to destroy ancient traditions, will Magnar be compelled to restrain his wolf or allow him free to protect those he loves?
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