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Mary's Tavern

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Medieval Monday | Word for January 2023

Welcome back to Medieval Monday!

It's been a couple months since I've shared a medieval word of the month. With all the celebratory events for Wishes Under a Highland Star, those medieval posts were set aside. Now, it's a new year and unique word: Collation. I thought this word is perfect for January. It takes a few weeks for me to settle back into my regular eating pattern after enjoying the holiday baking and cooking.

For those who are interested in the full description from Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Collation: (Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin collation-, collatio, from Late Latin, conference, from Latin, bringing together, comparison, from conferre (past participle collatus) to bring together — more at confer, tolerate)

a light meal allowed on fast days in place of lunch or supper

I'm unsure about the other two Ladies of Medieval Monday, but if you have a moment, hop on over and see if there's anything new.

Until next Medieval Monday, share the love of medieval knowledge!


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