
Mary Morgan
Oct 23, 2020
Friday Feast | A Viking Meal
Would you dare to dine with one of the wolves from Clan Sutherland? What tempting food could they slip between your lips? I’m certain...

Mary Morgan
Oct 21, 2020
Long and Short Reviews Weekly Blog Challenge | An Early Recollection
Welcome to Wednesday's Weekly Blog Challenge hosted by the lovely people at Long and Short Reviews. The topic this week: My earliest...

Mary Morgan
Oct 19, 2020
Medieval Monday | A Storm Brews in MAGNAR
Welcome to week five of Medieval Monday and our ongoing theme of nature. I hope you've been enjoying these snippets from Magnar. Don't...

Mary Morgan
Oct 16, 2020
Friday Feast | Dragon Knight Duncan MacKay's Weakness for this Treat
I'm reminiscing about the Dragon Knights this month. The first book started with a battle in October of 1204, so I'm going to start with...

Mary Morgan
Oct 12, 2020
Medieval Monday | A Stubborn Hero in MAGNAR
Welcome back to week four of Medieval Monday and our ongoing theme of nature. After you've read my snippet, don't forget to hop on over...

Mary Morgan
Oct 7, 2020
Escape to the Mountains of North Carolina in "Mountain Blaze" by Debby Grahl
Please make welcome to the Tavern my friend and sister Rose (from The Wild Rose Press), Debby Grahl! We're celebrating her new book...

Mary Morgan
Oct 5, 2020
Medieval Monday | Confusion Battles like a Summer Storm in MAGNAR
Welcome to Medieval Monday and our ongoing theme of nature. We're into week three of sharing our excerpts. I encourage you to follow...